关 键 字: 玻璃贴泡棉厂 | |
产品规格: 1*1 | |
所属行业: | 产品包装: 无 |
供货数量: 10000 | 产品报价: 13 |
发布时间: 2017-08-04 | 有 效 期: 365 |
离型纸玻璃贴海绵_玻璃贴泡棉厂_pvc玻璃贴海绵厂家 玻璃贴软木垫海绵--该产品是以PVC发泡海绵+离型纸组成,主要用于玻璃贴、软木垫等相关产品,产品的特点是成本低廉、方便适用,离型纸是以皮革的废旧离型纸为载体,再加1.0~1.5mm发泡海绵,宽幅为1320~1480mm,软木垫加工产商利用其低成本的优势,已经广泛应用于玻璃厂商等相关领域。 IV. Glass stick padding sponge --The product is composed of PVC foam + release paper. It is mainly applied on gel sticker, soft wood pad. It is characterized of low cost and convenient. Release paper takes the scrapped one as the carrier adding foam of 1.0~1.5mm in thickness and 1320~1480mm in width. Soft wood pad processing manufacturing has applied the product to glass manufacturer and other relevant fields 无胶水自粘效果好!无痕自粘,成本低廉!玻璃贴软木垫海绵--该产品是以PVC发泡海绵+离型纸组成,主要用于玻璃贴、软木垫等相关产品,产品的特点是成本低廉、方便适用,离型纸是以皮革的废旧离型纸为载体,再加1.0~1.5mm发泡海绵,宽幅为1320~1480mm,软木垫加工产商利用其低成本的优势,已经广泛应用于玻璃厂商等相关领域。 IV. Glass stick padding sponge --The product is composed of PVC foam + release paper. It is mainly applied on gel sticker, soft wood pad. It is characterized of low cost and convenient. Release paper takes the scrapped one as the carrier adding foam of 1.0~1.5mm in thickness and 1320~1480mm in width. Soft wood pad processing manufacturing has applied the product to glass manufacturer and other relevant fields relying on the preponderance of low cost. .东莞市立达信皮革有限公司|||离型纸玻璃贴海绵_玻璃贴泡棉厂_pvc玻璃贴海绵厂家http://henning1011.cg160.cn/
技术支持:阿德采购网 深圳市八方通科技开发有限公司